Your readers are scared

Does your copy reflect this change in buyer behavior?


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Welcome to the 5th issue of Write On! Take a second to drink in that glorious feeling of 5 new copywriting tips being delivered to your inbox.

Smells like fresh copywriting tips

Smells like fresh copywriting tips

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A Weekly Newsletter Sharing The Brand Strategies Hiding In Plain Sight

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Write On Line Break

Top Five Finds:

📖 Storytelling: How to cure your lack of purpose using The Hero's Journey

🖼 Framework: 12 Subject Line Frameworks that have driven over $100 million in sales (examples included)

📜 Principles: I agree with Abhishek. This is the best headline I’ve seen in a while

⚙️ Tool: A free website that measures how engaging your headline is and gives you tips to improve it (pro tip: take the headline from the “Principles” section above and paste it into this website)

🤖 AI: Readymade ChatGPT prompts to help you set up your eCommerce marketing campaigns in no-time

🎁 Bonus: In case you missed it, I built a library of 150 ChatGPT prompts to 10x your copywriting. Free for all Write On subs!

Write On Line Break

One Key Takeaway:

💡 It doesn’t matter if we are in a recession or not. Your readers THINK they are. Your copy needs to reflect that.

Your readers are now looking for “cost savings.”

They are less interested in “making money.”

The same shift happened in March 2020 when COVID hit.

You need to adapt, or you’ll get left behind and miss out on sales.

💥 Action Item: Update your ads, landing pages, email copy, etc. to reflect the desire for savings. (Validate with an A/B test).

Thanks for reading!

I received some great feedback from last week’s poll and tried to implement as much as possible in this week’s newsletter.

This newsletter is for YOU, so keep the feedback coming! 👇

Quick Poll: What did you think of today's format?

5 hyperlinks + 1 key takeaway

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See you all next Wednesday!


Always leave on a high note

P.S. Want some more recommendations?

✅ Write On Picks:

  1. AI Content Reactor: A mind-blowing writing system to harness AI. Cut research time by 95%. Cut writing time by 85%. Remain authentic and original with your content. Try the AI writing system.

  2. beehiiv: Write On is operated on beehiiv. It's the most powerful newsletter tool out there BY FAR. They are constantly rolling out new features, and it's free up to 2,500 subscribers. Try it for free here.

  3. TweetHunter: I can't imagine life without TweetHunter at this point. Scheduling, analytics, faster engagement, auto DM campaigns... it's got everything you need to build an audience on Twitter. Try it for free here.